It is currently

in the apartment.

ΔT from outside: °F
ΔT in 24hrs: °F
ΔT in 1hr: °F
Last updated:
(Calculating update time...)

ΔRH from outside: %
ΔRH in 24hrs: %
ΔRH in 1hr: %
Dew Point:

ΔT from outside: °F
ΔT in 24hrs: °F
ΔT in 1hr: °F
Air Quality:

PM1 concentration: µg/m3
PM2.5 concentration: µg/m3
PM10 concentration: µg/m3
ΔAQI in 24hrs: AQI
ΔAQI in 1hr: AQI
CO2 Concentration

Δppm in 24hrs: ppm
Δppm in 1hr: ppm

Δmb in 24hrs: mb
Δmb in 1hr: mb
Select a data type to view graphs for:
Historical temperature
Historical ΔT over 1 hour
Historical ΔT over 24 hours
Historical ΔT from outdoor to indoor temp The ΔT from outside is calculated using Apple Weather. If the ΔT is +/- 1.5 degrees, you can assume it matches outside conditions.
About How Hot Is It In My Apartment (How Hot 2)?
How Hot Is It In My Apartment monitors the climate of my apartment when I'm gone. Through this website, I can see if the living room is getting hotter, colder, more humid, less humid, etc.

How Hot 2 is using these sensors:
  • Temperature/Humidity/Dew Point (SHTC3)
  • Air Pressure (DPS310)
  • Air Quality (PMSA003I)
  • CO2 Concentration (SCD41)
Data is automatically updated every 5 minutes. If a status report is late, auto-refresh functionality is disabled.

Version 3.0.0 - Last updated February 2024
Source code
You can find the source code for How Hot Is It In My Dorm Room at
(Note: The source code is out of date at this time. I will update it when I remember to.)
Methodology for status icons on How Hot 2
The temperature, humidity, and AQI fields have different breakpoints for when the status icons are blue, green, orange, and red. These are the cutoffs.
Temperature methodology has been updated for the apartment.

  • 🏂 - Temp is 31.99°F or lower
  • ☃️ - Temp is 32.00°F - 43.99°F
  • ⛄ - Temp is 44.00°F - 46.99°F
  • 🌨️ - Temp is 47.00°F - 49.99°F
  • ❄️ - Temp is 50.00°F - 52.99°F
  • 🧊 - Temp is 53.00°F - 55.99°F
  • 🥶 - Temp is 56.00°F - 58.99°F
  • Blue status icon - Temp is 59.00°F - 62.99°F
  • Green status icon - Temp is 63.00°F - 74.99°F
  • Yellow status icon - Temp is 75.00°F - 80.99°F
  • Red status icon - Temp is 81.00°F - 85.99°F
  • 🥵 - Temp is 86.00°F - 88.99°F
  • 🔥 - Temp is 89.00°F - 91.99°F
  • 🍖 - Temp is 92.00°F - 94.99°F
  • 🧱 - Temp is 95.00°F - 97.99°F
  • ☠️ - Temp is 98.00°F or higher
Temperature - Too Hot To Handle Text:
  • (how the fuck did it get this cold in here?) - Temp is 31.99°F or lower
  • (🎵 living in a winter wonderland 🎵) - Temp is 32.00°F to 43.99°F
  • (🎵 chestnuts roasting on an open fire...jack frost nipping at your nose 🎵) - Temp is 44.00°F to 46.99°F
  • (it is ridiculously too cold to handle) - Temp is 47.00°F - 49.99°F
  • (it is extremely too cold to handle) - Temp is 50.00°F - 52.99°F
  • (it is way too cold to handle) - Temp is 53.00°F - 55.99°F
  • (it is too cold to handle) - Temp is 56.00°F - 58.99°F
  • No text from 59.00°F - 82.99°F
  • (it is too hot to handle) - Temp is 86.00°F - 88.99°F
  • (it is way too hot to handle) - Temp is 89.00°F - 91.99°F
  • (it is extremely too hot to handle) - Temp is 92.00°F - 94.99°F
  • (it is ridiculously too hot to handle) - Temp is 95.00°F - 97.99°F
  • (can the sensor even read this high?) - Temp is 98.00°F or higher
  • 🐪 - Humidity is 4.99% or lower
  • 🌵 - Humidity is 5.00% - 7.49%
  • 🏜️ - Humidity is 7.50% - 9.99%
  • Red status icon - Humidity is 10.00% - 14.99%
  • Yellow status icon - Humidity is 15.00% - 29.99%
  • Green status icon - Humidity is 30.00% - 59.99%
  • Yellow status icon - Humidity is 60.00% - 69.99%
  • Red status icon - Humidity is 70.00% or higher
Dew Point:
  • 💦❓ - Dew Point is -0.00°F or lower
  • Red status icon - Dew Point is 0.00°F - 24.99°F
  • Yellow status icon - Dew Point is 25.00°F - 44.99°F
  • Green status icon - Dew Point is 45.00°F - 62.99°F
  • Yellow status icon - Dew Point is 63.00°F - 69.99°F
  • Red status icon - Dew Point is 70.00°F or higher
  • Green status icon - AQI is 49 or lower
  • Yellow status icon - AQI is 50 - 99
  • Red status icon - AQI is 100 - 199
  • 😶‍🌫️ - AQI is 200 or higher
  • (Note: Some devices may not be able to show the emoji for 200 AQI or higher.)
CO2 Concentration:
  • Green status icon - CO2 Concentration is 699 ppm or lower
  • Yellow status icon - CO2 Concentration is 700 ppm - 1499 ppm
  • Red status icon - CO2 Concentration is 1500 ppm or higher
CO2 Concentration thresholds are being adjusted since this sensor was just added.